Tuesday, July 06, 2004

How Many? How Good?

Some of the fans are reported to be sad that the new album will contain only ten tracks while they were hoping to listen to 12 or even 14 tracks. The quastion is: Does the number matter? Maybe, but I think the number is not the best thing to worry about.

The important thing is the quality. For me, it's fine with me to listen to ten original unique beautiful tracks. You know, the number TEN isn't so little!
I guess what makes this number thing such a big deal for some people is that they know for sure that Amr has worked on more songs but then decided to exclude them.

Tomorrow is the big day and I'm sure that we will read a big number of irrational quick reviews by the fans. All I'm trying to say is: Take your time guys, listen carefully and then think twice before you post any kind of review.
Finally, remeber that no matter how many tracks are there, it's quality which matters not quantity.


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