Monday, July 12, 2004


This week, Amr's newest hit "Leily Nahary" enters the Rotana Top 20 chart. Now, it's our mission to boost it from a new entery to the No.1 spot. The challenge will be to make this move in one week. Can we do it? I think we can, if we just worked hard enough.

All you have to do is to send an email to with Amr Diab name in the subject or the body of the message.
After it occupies the No.1 spot, we'll have another mission to make it remain on top by keeping on voting every week. We want to keep it there on top as long as possible!

To make life easier for you, I will put here a sample which you can copy it and use it to vote:


Subject: Vote for Amr Diab

Hey Nadine,

I want to vote for Amr Diab - Leily Nahary.
Thank you.

Your name,
Your country


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